Our Worship Team
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00 am-Noon
Saturday: Closed:
Sunday: Worship at 11:15 a.m.
Church Office Telephone: 419-332-5032
Office Email: Trinity@midohio.twcbc.com
Pastor Andrea Telephone: 419-463-3160
Pastor Email: athurston.UMC@outlook.com
Connect with our team
Altar Flowers
Cindy Gillette
Cindy orders flowers to be placed on the altar every Sunday. Cindy can be contacted at 419-332-8067
Blessings Closet Coordinator
Laurie Black
Laurie is always looking for volunteers and donations for Trinity’s Blessings Closet.
Paul Gilson
Card Ministry
Roxanne Griffith-Wolfe
Contact Roxanne if you know someone who is sick or just needs a reminder that Trinity remembers them and will lift them up in prayer.
Children's Ministry
Dee Lento
If you are interested in working with children in any capacity, contact: Dee Lento
Judy Smart
Song Leader
Various Individuals
We are always looking for people to participate in our Worship as song leader, soloist, or musicians. You can contact the Church Office
Worship IT Tech
Sheila Rohm
Sheila is looking for volunteers to work in Creating, Showing and/or Controlling different aspects of our Sunday Morning Worship. For More Information contact: Sheila Rohm
Worship Sound Tech
Patrick Hick
Patrick is seeking to train someone to help with setting up and testing the sound systems on Sunday morning. Please contact Patrick Hick