Blessings Closet

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Trinity’s Blessings Closet is a way for us to help members of Sandusky County. We provide items that can not be purchased with food stamps. We are open the second Wednesday of the month, from 6 pm to 8 pm and the fourth Wednesday of the month, from 9 am to 12 Noon  to distribute these items to those who are in need. Our Blessings Coordinator, Laurie Black works diligently in organizing and distributing these items. Unfortunately, we are not always able to keep up with the demand. We ask that if you would like to help, here are some ways to do so…

We are always in need of:
bar soap, bath tissue, conditioner, dental floss, deodorant, dish soap, fabric softener, facial tissue, household cleaners, laundry soap, razor’s, shampoo, shaving cream, paper towels, toilet bowl cleaner, tooth brushes, tooth paste, shampoo and conditioner, mouth wash, Q-Tips, powder, shower gel, female hygiene items, hand soap, floor cleaner, bathroom cleaner, and anything else that cannot be purchased with food stamps.

Please call church office at 419-332-5032 to arrange drop off of items and/ or monetary donations. 

Monetary Donations: 
Please write check to Trinity UMC (Memo: Blessings Closet).
You may mail the check to the church, put in the offering plate on Sunday mornings, or donate  in our  “Online Giving” ap on this site.

For more information on the Blessing Closet
or to volunteer with distribution, please contact: Laurie Black, Coordinator 419-552-4894 
or Pastor Andrea 419-463-3160


Laurie Black, Blessings Closet Coordinator